we were sold a false travel narrative…
This is why people are sometimes disillusioned when they travel…
In the states and especially with the prevalence of social media, we are sold a particular “travel story.” We see the Instagram photos - the perfect outfits, the drinks on a balcony, the no-work-all-play energy. We see the fancy restaurants and the blue waters and the friendships formed.
But you know what we usually don’t see?
The nights sleeping on an airport floor after a flight delay.
The feeling of loneliness on a solo trip.
The food poisoning (or really just all bathroom problems in general, iykyk)
The difficulty navigating around a city without knowing the language.
Both the high and low moments are an INEVITABLE part of travel, but we are only sold one side of the story.
But here’s the thing…
Not all travel moments are glamorous or “Instagram worthy” or monumental. But it’s the small moments - the help with directions from a stranger, the taste of a new spice (even if it causes problems later), the wonder of walking down a new street, the “aha” moment when you can finally understand what someone is saying in another language…those are the things that make travel so special. Those are the moments we remember - the small and sometimes even uncomfortable ones.
Let both moments be a part of your travel story.