“A Global Perspective” by Danika Langley
words from All for All member Danika Langley
The Beauty that Comes with a Global Perspective
I love to travel. It’s always been a part of my life and it’s something that I cherish greatly.
Even still, I can get so comfortable in my day to day life in the US. I am truly so aware of the American bubble that can become a false replacement for the world as a whole, yet even in my awareness, I can still fall victim.
I bring this up not to shed some negative light on this country or the people in it, but to simply challenge each of us, US citizens or not, to seek change, discomfort and breaks in our rhythms. Growing up I would always want to go, leave, be away from this “normal”. As I have continued to travel and have seen more and more of this world, my gratitude for my home has expanded exponentially. I have a city I love, family close by, friends who are down for any kind of adventure and a great spot on my couch to start each day with a cup of coffee in hand.
A personal challenge I have now is finding ways to bring my experiences from around the globe into my everyday life and even beyond that, helping those I know who have little desire to travel, to see the beautiful elements of cultures different than our own. There are parts of culture, tradition, and faith that look so different than the way I was raised or have grown to learn, but lovely nonetheless. I want to allow my knowledge of the world to shape my thoughts, decisions towards the life I am building, as well as the way I treat all people, creating space to constantly learn from one another.
So yes, travel, see the world, let your mindset adjust, let your stereotypes fall away and as you go, seek gratitude for the life you are given, for the “normal” you live in, not forgetting the beauty this world has to offer.
-Danika (All for All Member)